Year 1
Anatomy and Physiology I
Basic Chemistry
Basic Laboratory Skills for Bioscience
Basic Physics
English for Science
Industrial and Organisation Psychology
Introduction to Law and Malaysian Legal System
Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health
Microbiology for Environmental Engineers
Occupational Epidemiology and Disease
Sun Zi's Art of War and Business Strategies
Year 2
Air and Noise Pollution Control
Construction Health and Safety
Environmental Health Practices
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
National Language/Other Languages
Occupational Safety and Health
Policy and Legislations Practicum at Environmental Hazardous Facilities/Government Agencies
Research and Methodology
Solid Waste Management
Year 3
Hazard Recognition and Risk Management
Industrial Training Practicum at Clinical Set-Ups/Government Agencies
Year 4
Elective I
Elective II
Emergency Control and Response Management Environemental Management System
Fire Prevention and Protection System
Food Safety and Quality Assurance
Hazardous Waste Management
Incident and Accident Investigation
Vector and Pest Management