Year 1
Basic Economics, Accounting and Management
Circuit Theory
Engineering Thermodynamics I
English for Engineering
Manufacturing Technology I
Material Science and Engineering
Mathematics for Engineering I
National Language/Other Language
Solid Mechanics I
Sun Zi's Art of War and Business Strategies
Year 2
Digital Electronics
Elective III
Engineering Drawing And CAD
Fluid Mechanics I
Fundamentals of Programming
Materials Chemistry
Materials Selection and Alloy Design
Materials Testing and Fracture Analysis
Mathematics For Engineering II
Mechanical Workshop Practice
Phase Transformations and Heat Treatment
Polymer Science and Technology
Project Management
Year 3
Computer Aided Design and Manufacture
Engineering Composite Materials
Foundry Engineering
Heat and Mass Transfer
Industrial Training
Law for Engineers
Numerical Methods and Statistics
Year 4
Elective I
Elective II
Engineering in Society
Industrial Automation and Robotics
Integrated Design Project
Manufacturing Technology II
Sensors and Instrumentation