Year 1
AS Elective IV
Business Accounting I
Business Accounting II
Calculus I
Calculus II
Discrete Mathematics with Applications
English for Professionals
Fundamentals of Linear Algebra
Fundamentals of Programming
Probability and Statistics I
Probability and Statistics II
Sociology in Malaysian Context
Sun Zi's Art of War and Business Strategies
Theory of Interest
Year 2
AS Elective Group I
AS Elective Group III
AS Elective Group IV
AS Elective Group V
Financial Economics I
Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics
Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance
Macroeconomics I
Microeconomics I
National Language/Other Languages
Year 3
AS Elective Group I
AS Elective Group III
AS Elective Project
Financial Economics II
Further Topics in Actuarial Mathematics
Industrial Training
Life Contingencies