New Era University College
New Era University College

New Era University College


Bachelor in Information Technology (Cyber Security) with Honours (BCS)


Computer Security System
Bachelor's Degree Program
Year Established
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor in Information Technology (Cyber Security) with Honours
Awarding Institution
New Era University College
Recognition of Qualification
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
Course Duration
3 years (total up 8 semesters, incl. Industrial Training)
February, May, September
Class Location
  • New Era University College (Kajang)


BCS programme focuses on systems security and data security protection, defence methods and technologies, provides students with a solid foundation of theory and expertise in related field.
This course will also provide students with theories of Security Technology, System Security, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Database Management.
And lay a solid foundation for the learning of Data Structure and Algorithm, Cybercrime Forensics Analysis, to cope with the development of network software and system security and huge market demand.
Students will also learn how to prevent, detect and repair the network system security vulnerabilities.
The course is dedicated to cultivate computer and network security professionals. We aim to assist students in exploring their potential through interesting teaching, research, activities and competit

Course Syllabus

Major Subjects
● 计算机架构与组织 Computer Architecture & Organisation
● 互联网技术和资讯服务 Internet Technologies and Information Services
● 网络概论 Introduction to Networking
● 编程概论 Introduction to Programming
● 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics
● 作业系统 Operating Systems
● 资料库系统 Database Systems
● 信息技术伦理学 IT Ethics
● 电脑系统-低阶技术 Computer System – Low Level Techniques
● 统计学概论 Introduction to Statistics
● 数据结构与演算法 Data Structures and Algorithms
● JAVA应用程序开发 Java Application Development
● 网页设计 Web Design
● 分布式系统 Distributed Systems
● 网络犯罪取证分析 Cybercrime Forensics Analysis
● 软件工程 Software Engineering
● 研究方法论 Research Methodology
● 人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence
● 安全技术概论 Introduction to Security Technology
● 数据恢复 Forensic Data Recovery
● 专题研究 1 Final Project 1
● 人机交互 Human Computer Interaction
● 系统程式设计与电脑控制 System Programming and Computer Control
● 生物识别技术 Biometrics
● 道德骇客Ethical Hacking
● 电子商务E-Commerce
● 大学公共课程 University Relation Program
● 专题研究 2 Final Project 2
● 实习 Industrial Training

Entry Requirement

• A pass in STPM with a minimum Grade C (GP 2.0) in any 2 subjects and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent
• UEC with at least credit in any 5 subjects inclusive of Mathematics or any equivalent qualification
• A pass in Matriculation or Foundation studies with minimum CGPA of 2.0 and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent
• A Diploma in Computer Science OR Software Engineering OR Information Technology OR Information Systems or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent
• Any other Diploma in Science and technology or business studies with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 may be admitted, subject to a rigorous internal assessment process and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent
• A Level / Other qualifications deemed equivalent by MQA

Course Fees

< RM45000 (estimated total amount of the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the entire program)
Tuition Fee
RM 42,200 (Including Application Fee )
Application Fee

The fee listed above is only for reference. For the actual information of the tuition fees, please click here to inquire.

Course Inquiry

Student Enrolment Department
Tel: 03-8210 3709 ext: 121/123/125

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