New Era University College
New Era University College

New Era University College


Diploma in Interior Design (DID)


Interior Design
Diploma Program
Qualification Awarded
Diploma in Interior Design
Awarding Institution
New Era University College
Recognition of Qualification
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
Course Duration
2.5 years (total up 7 semesters)
February, May, September
Class Location
  • New Era University College (Kajang)


Interior Design exposes students to both theoretical and practical components in the field of interior design, giving attention to aspects of aesthetic, function, planning and technology.
The programme is set up with the objectives to provide clear, complete and accurate information to the public, and furthermore foster the spirit of humanity.
Professionalism and critical thinking to enhance students' abilities in interior design theories as well as practical skills.
The programme integrates the knowledge required for being a professional in the field and is designed to keep relevant with fast-moving design technologies such as building technology .
Services, computer aided design, traditional and modern materials application, and furniture design technology.

Course Syllabus

Major Subjects
第一年 YEAR 1
以研究方法进行设计与创意工作 Design, Creative Work by Research Method
● 二维与三维设计 2 & 3 Dimensional Studies
● 色彩学 Color Studies
● 家居空间设计 Design Studio - Residentia

材料知识与视觉研究 Knowledge of Material, Visual Research
● 材料学 Material Studies
● 陶艺概论 Introduction to Ceramic

科技与房屋设备 Technology and Building Services
● 建筑技术1 Building Technology 1

视觉传达 Visual Communication
● 素描1 Drawing 1
● 电脑绘图设计 Computer Graphic
● 传达设计1 Design communication 1

人与环境 People & Environment
● 美术与设计史 History of Art & Design
● 建筑史1 History of Architecture 1

专业实践 Professional Practices
● 职场应用英文 Writing at Workplace

第二年 YEAR 2
以研究方法进行设计与创意工作 Design, Creative Work by Research Method
● 商业空间设计 Design Studio- Commercial
● 机构与展览空间设计 Design Studio- Institutional & Exhibition
● 家具设计1 Furniture Design 1
● 家具设计2 Furniture Design 2

科技与房屋设备 Technology and Building Services
● 建筑技术2 Building Technology 2
● 房屋设备 Building Services

视觉传达 Visual Communication
● 传达设计2 Design communication 2
● 数码摄影概论 Introduction to Digital Photography
● 电脑辅助设计1 Computer Aided Design 1
● 电脑辅助设计2 Computer Aided Design 2

人与环境 People & Environment
● 建筑史2 History of Architecture 2

专业实践 Professional Practices
● 实习 Internship
● 室内设计企业策划 Project Research

第三年 YEAR 3
以研究方法进行设计与创意工作 Design, Creative Work by Research Method
● 毕业制作 Final Design Project

专业实践 Professional Practices
● 专业实践 Professional Practice
● 工程量清单与规格 Bill of Quantities & Specifications

Entry Requirement

• SPM with 3 Credits
• UEC with 3 Credits
• O Level / IGCSE / Other qualifications deemed equivalent by MQA

Course Fees

< RM40000 (estimated total amount of the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the entire program)
Tuition Fee
RM38,000 (Including Application Fee )
Application Fee

The fee listed above is only for reference. For the actual information of the tuition fees, please click here to inquire.

Course Inquiry

Marketing & Sales Department
Tel: 03-8210 3709 ext: 121/123/125

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