New Era University College
New Era University College

New Era University College


Foundation in Chinese Communication (FCC)


Pre-university Program
Year Established
Qualification Awarded
Foundation in Chinese Communication
Awarding Institution
New Era University College
Recognition of Qualification
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
Course Duration
1 year (total up 3 semesters)
February, May, September
Class Location
  • New Era University College (Kajang)


This programme is currently the only humanities foundation programme in Malaysia which is approved by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and taught in Mandarin.
This one-year foundation programme provides a solid and preferred pathway for many students to enter into undergraduate studies.
It consists core subjects of humanities and social sciences to prepare students to pursue related fields of study and cultivate their ability in critical thinking, analysis, reading and writing.
Students completed this programme may proceed to our Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language & Literature, Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Counselling and Psychology or Bachelor in Education.

Course Syllabus

Major Subjects
● 计算机应用与多媒体呈现 Computer Applications
● 讲说艺术 The Art of Speaking
● 时事关怀 Current Affairs Analysis
● 多元文化概论 Introduction to Multiculturalism
● 马来西亚史 History of Malaysia
● 思辨与解决问题技巧 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skill
● 文选 Selected Writing In Chinese Essays
● 阅读欣赏与创作 Training of Chinese Reading and Writing
● 中文大讲堂 Forum on Chinese Topics
● 情绪智商与人生 EQ & Life
● 中级英文 Intermediate English
● 论文写作入门 Introduction to Academic Writing
● 应用文写作 Chinese Writing
● 基础社会科学 Foundation of Social Science
● 文学与艺术 Literature and Art
● 人际沟通 Interpersonal Communication
● 高级中文 Advanced Chinese Language
● 体育 Physical Education

Entry Requirement

• SPM certificate with 5 credits including Chinese
• UEC 3 credits
• O Level / IGCSE / Other qualifications deemed equivalent by MQA

Course Fees

< RM15000 (estimated total amount of the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the entire program)
Tuition Fee
RM11,700 (Including Application Fee )
Application Fee

The fee listed above is only for reference. For the actual information of the tuition fees, please click here to inquire.

Course Inquiry

Marketing & Sales Department
Tel: 03-8210 3709 ext: 121/123/125

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