New Era University College
New Era University College

New Era University College


Bachelor of Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) (Honours) (BTCSL)


Teacher Training & Education
Bachelor's Degree Program
Year Established
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor of Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
Awarding Institution
New Era University College
Recognition of Qualification
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
Course Duration
3 years (total up 8 semesters, incl. Industrial Training)
February, May, September
Class Location
  • New Era University College (Kajang)


This teaching of Chinese to non-native Chinese speakers will be what is offered in the Bachelor of Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language).
There is a high demand worldwide for people who can teach the language to non-native speakers of Chinese.
The Bachelor of Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) is an interdisciplinary study that combines four key areas.
Students will be required to complete compulsory subjects to enhance their knowledge in education and also modules that will help develop a deeper understanding of Chinese language,history and culture
Students in this course will have the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge acquired in an internship programme, either locally or overseas.

Course Syllabus

Major Subjects
● 教育学原理 Principle of Education
● 教学原理 Principles of Instruction
● 教育评价 Educational Evaluation
● 汉语作为第二语言教学概论 Foundation of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
● 语言学概论 Foundation of Chinese Linguistics
● 教学媒体 Instructional Media
● 教育心理学 Educational Psychology
● 汉语作为第二语言教学方法 Classroom Teaching Methods
● 第二语言习得 Second Language Acquisition
● 语音教学 Teaching Chinese Phonetics as a Second Language
● 语法教学 Teaching Chinese Grammar as a Second Language
● 听说教学 Teaching Chinese Listening and Speaking as a Second Language
● 教学设计 Chinese Language Teaching Plan
● 对外汉语教材编写与分析 Material Compilation and Analysis
● 教学实习 Practicum
● 论文写作指导 Thesis
● 东南亚华文教育 Development of Chinese Education in South East Asia
● 多元文化教育 Multicultural Education
● 课程概论 Introduction to Curriculum
● 教育社会学 Sociology of Education
● 跨文化交际学 Cross Cultural Communication
● 中国文化概论 Introduction to Chinese Culture
● 华人社会与文化 Chinese Social and Culture
● 教育统计学 Educational Statistics
● 班级经营 Classroom Management
● 教育行政 Educational Administration
● 中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature
● 外国文学 Foreign Literatures
● 马华文学 Malaysian-Chinese Literature
● 现代汉语 Modern Chinese Language
● 古代汉语 Ancient Chinese Language
● 汉字学 Chinese Characters
● 语言与文化对比 Language and Cultural Comparison
● 读写教学 Teaching Chinese Reading and Writing
● 研究方法 Research Methodology
● 翻译概论 Introduction to Translation
● 中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Literature in Chinese
● 学术活动实践 Academic Activities Practice

Entry Requirement

• STPM (CGPA 2.0) with 2 Principal Passes
• UEC with 5 Credits
• Foundation in Chinese Communication (CGPA2.0), New Era University College
• Diploma in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CGPA2.0), New Era University College
• A Level / Other qualifications deemed equivalent by MQA

Course Fees

< RM45000 (estimated total amount of the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the entire program)
Tuition Fee
RM 41,200 (Including Application Fee )
Application Fee

The fee listed above is only for reference. For the actual information of the tuition fees, please click here to inquire.

Course Inquiry

Marketing & Sales Department
Tel: 03-8210 3709 ext: 121/123/125

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