New Era University College
New Era University College

New Era University College


Bachelor in Early Childhood Education (Honours)(BECE)


Early Childhood Education
Bachelor's Degree Program
Year Established
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
Awarding Institution
New Era University College
Recognition of Qualification
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
Course Duration
3 years (total up 8 semesters, incl. Industrial Training)
February, May, September
Class Location
  • New Era University College (Kajang)


The Bachelor in Early Childhood Education consists of two core components: early childhood education and child care or nurseries.
This course is to equip students with theoretical and professional knowledge in the subject of education as well as to provide them practical skills for work in private or government kindergartens.
Student will be exposed to various areas of study such as nursery, curriculum planning, teacher training, management, administration, editing and designing for institution of early childhood education
Or child care centres, localized multicultural education, and special education needs and learning disabilities.
This course also includes professional theory and skills training such as music, psychology, infant and child care, fine art and early childhood education curriculum design.
There will be two periods of internship where students to do practice in actual situations.

Course Syllabus

Major Subjects
● 幼儿教育概论 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
● 国家学前教育课程标准 Implementing of National Preschool Curriculum
● 幼儿发展与保育 Children Growth and Development
● 教育心理学 Educational Psychology
● 婴幼儿保育概论 Introduction to Infant & Child Care
● 幼儿行为观察 Observation and Assessment of Young Children
● 儿童视觉艺术 Visual Arts for Young Children
● 幼儿表现艺术 Music and Movement for Young Children
● 幼儿创造力 Creativity in Teaching Young Children
● 幼儿学习环境设计 Design of Young Children's Learning Environment
● 幼儿园课程设计 Curriculum Design for Early Childhood
● 班级经营与行为管理 Classroom & Behaviour Management
● 幼儿语文教学法 Language and Literacy for Young Children
● 幼儿体能 Physical Education for Young Children
● 幼儿保健、安全与营养 Health, Safety and Nutrition for Young Children
● 幼儿社会教材教法 Social Studies for Young Children
● 幼儿数学 Early Mathematics
● 儿童文学 Children Literature
● 学校与社区关系 School-Community Relationships
● 幼教人员专业伦理 Professionalism in Early Childhood Educators
● 教学实习(托儿所)Practicum (Nursery)
● 教学实习(幼儿园)Practicum (Kindergarten)
● 幼儿园行政与管理 Early Childhood Centre Administration
● 幼儿教育课程设计与发展 Programme Planning and Development in Early Childhood Education
● 特殊教育与学习障碍 Learning Disabilities and Special Education Needs
● 亲职教育 Parental Education
● 课程概论 Introduction to Curriculum
● 教育社会学 Sociology of Education
● 幼儿华语文教学 Teaching Chinese for Young Children
● 幼儿游戏 Play in Early Childhood from Birth to Six Years
● PERMATA的教与学 Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Asuhan Permata
● 儿童戏剧教学 Teaching Drama to Young Children
● 幼儿科学 Early Science
● 幼儿科技 ICT For Young Children
● 近代幼儿教育趋势 Contemporary Issues and Trends in Early Childhood

Entry Requirement

• STPM (CGPA 2.0) with 2 Principal Passes
• UEC with 5 Credits
• Foundation in Chinese Communication (CGPA2.0), New Era University College
• Diploma in Early Childhood Education (CGPA2.0), New Era University College
• A Level / Other qualifications deemed equivalent by MQA

Course Fees

< RM45000 (estimated total amount of the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the entire program)
Tuition Fee
RM 41,200 (Including Application Fee )
Application Fee

The fee listed above is only for reference. For the actual information of the tuition fees, please click here to inquire.

Course Inquiry

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Tel: 03-8210 3709 ext: 121/123/125

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