New Era University College
New Era University College

New Era University College


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Counselling (BCP)


Psychology, Counseling and Guidance
Bachelor's Degree Program
Year Established
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Counselling and Psychology
Awarding Institution
New Era University College
Recognition of Qualification
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
Course Duration
4 years
February, May
Class Location
  • New Era University College (Kajang)


Malaysia first private University that offer 4 years of Guidance and Counselling programme.
A double major course that includes Psychology and Counselling, where graduates are eligible to apply professional licensing from Malaysian Board of Counsellor (LKM).
Bachelor of Arts (honours) in Counselling and Psychology is designed as a four years’ degree programme where students are required to do their counselling internship in the final year.
The curriculum of this program is designed according to the Ministry of Education Malaysia and Malaysian Board of Counsellor’s standards and requirements.
Therefore, graduates of this program are eligible to become a registered counsellor.
Current programme will emphasize on counselling theory and its application, using both English and Mandarin as the medium to instruction.
Cultivate culturally sensitive counsellors and provide counselling services to individuals from different ethnic groups.
Students can go to schools, community counselling centres and non-government organizations (NGO) for internships with the purpose of increasing the exposure to the local culture in mental health field
Emphasize on the academic exchange of knowledge among scholars and professional counsellors in the field; actively organizing research conferences and professional workshops.

Course Syllabus

Major Subjects
● 心理学概论 Introduction to Psychology
● 咨商概论 Introduction to Counselling
● 初级统计学 Basic Statistics in Psychology
● 生涯发展与规划 Career Development and Planning
● 团体动力 Group Dynamics
● 发展心理学 Developmental Psychology
● 观察与咨商技巧 Observation and Counselling Skills
● 社会心理学 Social Psychology
● 高级心理统计学 Advanced Statistics in Psychology
● 研究方法概论 Introduction to Research Methods
● 咨商与心理治疗理论 Theories of Counselling and Psychotherapy
● 人格心理学 Personality Psychology
● 生理心理学 Physiological Psychology
● 儿童与青少年心理学 Child and Adolescent Psychology
● 生涯咨商 Career Counselling
● 心理测验 Psychological Testing
● 团体咨商 Group Counselling
● 认知心理学 Cognitive Psychology
● 个人咨商实验室 Individual Counselling Laboratory
● 变态心理学 Abnormal Psychology
● 家庭咨商 Family Counselling
● 专业助人工作伦理 Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions
● 心理评估 Psychological Assessment
● 团体方案设计与实施 Design and Practice of Group Work
● 咨商实务 Counselling Practicum
● 多元文化咨商 Multicultural Counselling
● 研究报告I &II Project Paper I & II
● 咨商实习 Counselling Internship
● 生命教育 Life Education
● 学习 Learning
● 性与性别心理学 Psychology of Sex and Gender
● 教育心理学 Educational Psychology
● 工业与组织心理学 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
● 健康心理学 Health Psychology
● 危机处理与咨商 Crisis Intervention and Counselling
● 短期咨商 Brief Counselling
● 死亡心理学 Psychology of Death and Dying
● 老人咨商 Counselling for the Elderly
● 表达性治疗 Expressive Therapy
● 科技在咨商中的应用 Applications of Technology in Counselling

Entry Requirement

• STPM (CGPA2.0) with 2 Principal Passes
• UEC with 5 Credits
• Foundation Programmes (CGPA2.0) from New Era University College or other local tertiary institutions
• Diploma programmes (CGPA2.0) from New Era University College or other local tertiary institutions
• A Level / Other qualifications deemed equivalent by MQA

Course Fees

< RM45000 (estimated total amount of the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the entire program)
Tuition Fee
RM44,700 (Including Application Fee )
Application Fee

The fee listed above is only for reference. For the actual information of the tuition fees, please click here to inquire.

Course Inquiry

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Tel: 03-8210 3709 ext: 121/123/125

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