必修课 Core Units
- 电子商务简介 Introduction to E-Commerce
- 创业概论 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- 商务沟通 Business Communication
- 财务规划 Financial Planning
- 销售计划和运营 Sales Planning and Operations
- 数字营销 Digital Marketing
- 内容营销 Content Marketing
- 社交媒体原则与实践 Social Media Principles and Practice
- 消费者行为 Consumer Behaviour
- 客户关系管理 Customer Relationship Management
- 跨境电商数据分析 Cross Border e-Commerce Data Analysis
- 摄影 Photography
- 摄像 Videography
- 平面设计 Graphic Design
- 电脑应用技能 Computer Applications Skills
- 个人发展技能 Personal Development Skills
- 团队发展技能 Team Development Skills
- 汉语基础 Fundamental of Chinese Language
- 资讯图像化 Infographic
- 网站软件开发 Website Software
- 英语1 English 1
- 英语2 English 2